Xbox One Controller

We’ve all seen the arguments about video games like GTA causing our brains to be rewired and then cause us to go on some crazy emotional rampage that may turn violent since we couldn’t “git gud” enough and then someone called us a noob. It is infuriating, sure. Sometimes, it’s true too (admit it). News outlets will jump at any conclusion they can draw without proper research and label video games as the bad guy instead of paying attention to other contributing factors around the subject.

But, what if the opposite were true? What if video games actually had positive impacts on our brains and bodies? Now I agree, we need to do all things in moderation (unless you’re in the middle of a raid – do not talk to me), but at UnrivaledPro we refuse to believe that gaming is really bad enough to cause mass hysteria, anger, rage and destruction. As a matter of fact, with the power of science we’ve taken steps to prove that gaming can be really beneficial for society and that it may support the exact opposite traits that are harped on. 

Here’s the top seven benefits of gaming that your mother didn’t tell you about:


1. It helps you remember things



2. Improved spatial awareness which helps you when you’re driving



3. Improve your hand-eye coordination



4. Improved multi-tasking



5.Reverse mental decline



6. Reduced impulsiveness



7. Support lazy eye reduction



  1. Bowen, Lisa. “Video game play may provide learning, health, social benefits, review finds.” Monitor on Psychology. American Psychological Association, Feb. 2014. Web. 14 July 2017.
  2. Astle, D. E., J. J. Barnes, K. Baker, G. L. Colclough, and M. W. Woolrich. “Cognitive Training Enhances Intrinsic Brain Connectivity in Childhood.” Journal of Neuroscience 35.16 (2015): 6277-283. Web. 14 July 2017.
  3. Gray, Peter. “Cognitive Benefits of Playing Video Games.” Psychology Today. Sussex Publishers, 20 Feb. 2015. Web. 14 July 2017.